Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
Success Reloaded: The Matrix By Victor Gonzalez
Remember the part where is Neo (Keanu Reeves) is mentally tortured because he wants to find out what the ‘matrix’ is and finally meets with Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) who has the answer he’s been seeking, “ What is the Matrix?”.
Morpheus makes Neo an interesting proposition. He offers Neo two pills: a red and blue one. He tells Neo that if he takes the blue pill he’ll remember nothing and wake up the next morning in his bed as if nothing had ever happened. But, if he takes the red pill, the secret of the Matrix will be revealed to him.
Neo decides to take the red pill (of course, it wouldn’t be much of a movie if he didn’t). After taking the pill Neo finds himself in this other reality, outside the Matrix, where he is free. He realizes that he was never really a successful businessman but in reality he had been asleep; a slave to the Matrix all his life. The Matrix is the hi-tech version of a man who wakes up after dreaming he’s a butterfly and wonders if in reality he’s a butterfly dreaming he’s a man. After taking the pill, Neo wakes up to his ‘real’ reality for the first time after being enslaved in the Matrix all his life.
When I go around the country speaking, I wish I could distribute such a red pill. As a motivational speaker my goal is always to awaken people from their sedated slumber, their numbness to reality. I strive to make my audience begin to think in terms of possibilities and not impossibilities. To dream beyond the social matrix of mediocrity.
Many of you hate your jobs, but everyday after work what do you do? You sit in front of the TV watching someone else’s reality. What do we do on the weekend? Go watch a movie on a bigger screen. We watch the news and view alternate realities, usually worse then ours. Why do we like the news, especially when it’s negative? Because it makes us feel better to know that things could be worse. Viewing someone else’s misfortunes on the news somehow quiets our desperation for success and makes us feel better.
There is a blue pill most take on a daily basis called ‘compromise’. Compromise comes about when you simply choose to accept your role in life no matter how menial it may be. Many of you feel that there is nothing you can do to change your life or current situation, so you give up. You settle. You settle in for the rest of your life never waking up to the reality of your potential, your possibilities.
In the end, Neo discovers when he wakes up to his real reality that he had been lied to all his life by the Matrix. All his experiences had been programmed and all his emotions had been fabricated. I want you to wake up from your zombie-like existence and believe that there is another reality, a Success Matrix where you can have it all and be happy doing what you love. You are more than what you think you are.
How do you plug into the Success Matrix? First, you begin by believing that there is another possible reality for you; a happy one at that. You then start feeding your mind books or audio on motivation, success, wealth, happiness, prosperity and so on. These items are the real ‘pills’ that can help you to find your way into the success matrix and begin to create an alternative reality. One where do what you love, and you love what you do. Take the pills quick!
People will say you can’t, you shouldn’t, don’t, it’s not possible. Stop listening to the programming. These naysayers are part of the bad programming filling your head and trying to keep from succeeding. Don’t let it happen.
Reload success by believing in a greater reality, filling your mind with positive information and disassociating yourself from negative people. Wake up to your new reality; a new possibility for your life. Wake up before it’s too late.
Kamis, 02 April 2009
Photoshop Guide - Basic Adobe Photoshop Curriculum - Learning Photoshop is Not As Hard As You Think!
The advantage of Adobe Photoshop online courses is that you can self-study at your own pace. The lessons are strategically created so that the learner can easily master Photoshop basics and apply the previous lesson on the next one. This is the difference between an online course and a mere Photoshop guide you can find on the internet.
The first obvious consideration you will have to make in choosing the online course that you are going to undertake is, of course, the version of your Adobe Photoshop. Although a greater percentage of the lessons are applicable across all versions, there are tricks and techniques that are only available in higher Photoshop versions. If you consider one technique as important, try to find out first if it can be done on the Photoshop version that you have.
Aside from that, the navigation and interface of one version can be different from the other. Nonetheless, there are online courses that encompass all versions of Photoshop. In these courses, they would label a technique that is only applicable to a single version. There are step-by-step instructions that are prepared for each different version as well.
The first lesson on most Adobe guide deals with navigating the interface. In these lessons, the learner will be acquainted with the workspace-the menu bar, status bar, toolbox, and the palette.
Once you are aware of the different parts of the workspace, you will be learning how to work with a simple document. This makes it easier to Master Photoshop Basics faster. The learner will be guided around the usage of the palette, hand tool, image tools, and other basics.
As soon as you get the hang of the Adobe Photoshop interface, it would be a lot easier for you to perform some simple tasks as instructed to you in the following Photoshop guide. And because you are working at your own pace, you can linger in one lesson as long as you need to.
Fredrick Ituma Website about Adobe Photoshop Guide. Click this Link Now! To discover how to Master Adobe Photoshop Basics Faster on your own!
FolderBrowserDialog - The Folder Browser Component Unmasked
Basic Usage
To display a folder explorer UI to the user, a FolderBrowserDialog instance is created and the ShowDialog method is called. This shows the modal dialog containing the folder browser control (tree) and an OK and Cancel button. If the user selects a folder and clicks the OK button, the ShowDialog method returns DialogResult.OK and the SelectedPath property contains the full path of the selected folder. If the user clicks the Cancel button, the ShowDialog method returns DialogResult.Cancel.
Advanced Usage
The FolderBrowserDialog has some additional features such as limiting the view of the file system that is displayed to the user, pre-selecting a folder when the dialog is first displayed and displaying a button to allow the user to create a new folder.
The RootFolder property can be set to the full path of the folder which is to be displayed as the root of the tree control of the folder browser component. For example, if this property is set to Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal, only folders from the 'My Documents' are displayed in the tree, so the user can only select 'My Documents' or its sub-folders.
Prior to displaying the folder browser control, the SelectedPath property can be set to the full path of a folder causing that folder to be pre-selected in the folder browser tree. For example, when this property is set to "c:", the node corresponding to the c: drive is pre-selected in the tree when the dialog is first displayed.
If the ShowNewFolderButton property is set to true, then, in addition to the folder browser tree control, and the OK and Cancel buttons, the folder browser dialog also displays an additional 'New Folder' button which when clicked, creates a new folder under the currently selected folder.
While the folder browser component is a handy way to allow the users to browse and select folders, it suffers from many limitations, some of them preventing the component from being of practical use in applications.
Modal Functionality
The most visible drawback of the folder browser component is that it displays its UI in the form of a modal dialog. When shown, it blocks the rest of the application until the user has chosen a folder. As long as the dialog is displayed, no input (keyboard or mouse click) can occur except within the dialog box. The user must click the OK or Cancel button before input to the calling program can occur.
This is a very annoying and limiting feature of the FolderBrowserDialog. Users are very likely to be irritated and annoyed when they have to interact with a modal dialog every time they have to explore and select a folder. A non-modal UI control which can be put inside of one of the applications's own forms or dialogs is a much more user-friendly way of displaying the same UI.
No Virtual (Non-file system) folders
The FolderBrowserDialog does not allow the user to select virtual (Non-file system) folders such as the Control Panel or My Computer. It only allows the user to select a file system path such as "c:" or "c:windows".
No Files
The component does not allow the user to select files. This is a major drawback since there are many circumstances where the user may need to select a file while still using the tree UI to browse to that file.
Limited Choice of RootFolder
The root folder of the folder browser control can be only set to one of the 'special folders' defined by Windows such as the 'My Documents' or 'My Computer'. This is a major limitation since this means you cannot set the root folder to a path such as the "d:" drive.
No Check Boxes
The folder explorer tree in the FolderBrowserDialog cannot show check boxes next to nodes. Ability to show multi-state check boxes can be a very handle feature for such a control.
No Filtering
The FolderBrowserDialog has no support for filtering. For example, it is not possible to display only network folders or only shared folders or only folders starting with the string "Documents" or files having a particular extension.
No Custom Controls
When using the FolderBrowserDialog, you are only limited to the actual folder explorer tree control, the OK, Cancel and New Folder buttons and the description label. It is not possible to add custom controls to the dialog box. This can be useful in many circumstances such as when you want to show a thumbnail/preview of the selected file/folder or any kind of additional information.
No Appearance Control
The appearance of the FolderBrowserDialog and its constituent controls cannot be changed. Neither can attributes of individual folders show in the folder explorer control be changed. For example, it is not possible to change the background color of the tree control or to set the font and color of individual
nodes/folders in the tree.
No Custom items
The FolderBrowserDialog cannot display external/custom items in the folder explorer tree. For example, it may be necessary to display items from an FTP location in addition to the file system items. This is not possible with the FolderBrowserDialog.
No Lockdown
The FolderBrowserDialog allows unhindered operations on folders. The user can rename folders, do drag-drop operations and display the context menu and invoke various operations. In many cases, it may be necessary to limit or altogether prevent such potentially dangerous and irreversible operations, however the FolderBrowserDialog provides no way of doing that.
Beyond The FolderBrowserDialog : The FolderView Control
The FolderView Control brings a Windows Explorer like folder browser component to your applications complete with AutoUpdate, dragdrop, icons, contextmenus, Non-file system items, default key-handling, infotips and renaming. It features powerful behavior control and customization functionality that takes it miles ahead of Windows Explorer by adding features like filtering, checkboxes, custom items, multiple root nodes, dragdrop control and customization of default contextmenus,
displaynames, icons and infotips.
The FolderView control is a UI control which can be dropped right inside your own forms and dialogs. A
non-modal file & folder browsing/selection experience right inside your own dialogs and forms is something that users will appreciate and find intuitive and simple.
Additionally, FolderView overcomes all the limitations of the FolderBrowserDialog and provides far greater and advanced features and functionality than the FolderBrowserDialog. The following table is a quick comparison of the FolderView Control with the FolderBrowserDialog.
Drop-In Windows Explorer like folder browser functionality. FolderView Control : Yes
FolderBrowserDialog : Modal UI. The component cannot be dropped in your own form.
- Complete Windows Explorer functionality include a file/folder browsing listview (similar to Windows Explorer's right-side) and a drive selection control (similar to Windows Explorer's address bar) FolderView Control : Yes. As part of Shell MegaPack FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Ability to select virtual (Non-file system) folders FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Ability to specify any and all folders as root. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Ability to show files as well as folders. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Multi-state check boxes FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Filtering capabilities FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Custom controls FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Appearance Control FolderView Control : Colors and appearance of the control as a whole and of individual folders/files can be changed. FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Custom Items FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Prevent renaming, drag-drop, context menus FolderView Control : Yes. For all folders or on a per-folder basis. FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Multiple root folders FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Change default display names, icons, overlay icons, infotip, etc FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Simply and easy to use API FolderView Control : Yes Clumsy, inflexible API
- Access complete information of a file/folder including its displayname, fullpath, checkstate, selection state and attributes like whether it is a shortcut, shared, hidden, readonly, file and folder FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Prevent display of contextmenus for all folders using a simple property or on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Prevent dragdrop for all folders using a simple property or on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Allow/disallow renaming for all folders using a simple property or on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Allow/disallow selection for all folders using a simple property or on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Allow/disallow expanding/collapsing on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Change default drag actions during dragdrop (e.g. from Copy To Move) FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Control checking/unchecking on a per-folder basis. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Prevent execution of default shell commands ( e.g. Open, Cut, Properties, etc. in response to keystrokes or through the context menu) for all folders using a simple property or on a per-folder basis using an event. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Show/hide hidden folders using a simple property. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Show/hide virtual folders ( e.g. Control Panel ) using a simple property. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Enumerate all folders shown in FolderView. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Enumerate all folders according to folder hierarchy structure. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Execute shell commands ( e.g. Cut, Delete, etc ) on folders. FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
- Associate developer defined data with each folder FolderView Control : Yes FolderBrowserDialog : No
The FolderView control (and Shell) is available in two editions :
.Net Edition : For use in .Net development using Windows Forms, WPF and ASP.Net
ActiveX Edition : For use in applications developed using Visual C++/MFC/ATL, Visual Basic 6, VBA (Access, Word, Excel, AutoCAD,etc), Borland Delphi and Borland Builder, and HTML/ASP pages.
G Himangi is a Senior Software Developer at LogicNP Software ( and is a member of LogicNP Software's component and controls development team.
By G Himangi
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
Adop Photoshop
Detailed Description
Have you recently upgraded to Adobe PhotoShop CS3? Whether you're a new or existing user, get a handle on the features and improvements found in PhotoShop CS3 through an innovative training program: the self-paced PhotoShop CS3 computer based training course.
This course uses a blend of instructor-led training sessions and computer based training technology to deliver a completely self-paced course directly to your desktop. The PhotoShop CS3 training videos give you the instruction you want without the need for attending live classes. Simply watch recorded videos and see the software in action.
Your investment in PhotoShop cost you hundreds of dollars. Make sure you get the most out of that investment by learning how to use the software. The PhotoShop CS3 training cd teaches you about each of the features and shows you how to use them. With knowledge and training, your creativity will flow. You'll learn how you can use PhotoShop to express yourself and fine tune your images.
Everything you need is included on the Adobe PhotoShop training tutorial including videos, demonstrations, interactive content, printable courseware, and hands-on activities. With the self-paced PhotoShop CS3 CBT installed on your computer, you can learn the ins and outs of using PhotoShop at your own pace.
While traditional classes are a good way to learn, you can't beat the PhotoShop CS3 training videos and interactive courseware. The full motion videos have high production values. More importantly, they have the information and instruction that you value. Watch the videos and demos as often as you need in order to master each task.
The PhotoShop CS3 training cd-roms puts you in charge of your education. If you want to learn a specific feature of PhotoShop, you can jump ahead to that section rather than waiting for the rest of the class to get to that point. You can also work at a pace that is best for you, either fast or slow. You can't fall behind because you are the one calling the shots and deciding when and how fast to study.
Table of contents
Lesson 1: Reviewing the Workspace
1.1 Reviewing Whats New
1.2 Browsing the Tools
1.3 Reviewing the Menus
1.4 Managing Windows
1.5 Configuring Preferences
Lesson 2: Getting Started
2.1 Opening an Image
2.2 Creating a New File
2.3 Opening Multiple Images
2.4 Including File Information
2.5 Review Selecting an Image Area Options
Lesson 3: Performing Photoshop Basics
3.1 Cropping an Image
3.2 Changing Color Modes and Transparency
3.3 Resizing an Image
3.4 Changing the Canvas
3.5 Using Undo, Step Forward and Step Backward
3.6 Using Zoom
3.7 Adding Text
Lesson 4: Making Adjustments
4.1 Using Auto Levels
4.2 Using Auto Color
4.3 Using Auto Contrast
4.4 Reviewing Variations
Lesson 5: Transforming Tools
5.1 Scaling Items
5.2 Rotating Items
5.3 Changing Skew and Distorting
5.4 Changing Perspective and Warping
Lesson 6: Saving and Printing
6.1 Saving a File
6.2 Saving for Web
6.3 Using Print Preview
6.4 Printing an Image
Lesson 7: Working with the Bridge
7.1 Overview of the Bridge
7.2 Managing Images with the Bridge
7.3 Previewing, Comparing, and Stacking
Total training time: ~10 hours
Content: CD-ROM disc (sealed in a DVD-case)
System Requirements:
Platform: vista Windows Vista / XP / 2000 / 9x / NT
Processor: Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
Hard drive space: 10MB
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X
mastering adob flas cs3
Detailed Description
Course 1: Flash CS3 Video Training
Course 2: Flash 8 Professional Training Course
Flash continues to be the industry's leading interactive content creation tool. Now that Adobe Flash CS3 is fully integrated with related software such as and , having the technical know-how in using Flash is an integral skill that all designers will be expected to have. You can get the training you need without having to attend live classes by choosing the self-paced Flash CS3 computer based training course.
This tutorial course takes the best of classroom learning and combines it with the best of computer based learning into a video-based training format that delivers instructor-quality instruction to your desktop. Simply install the Flash CS3 training tutorial and begin learning from a certified instructor at your own pace.
The Flash CS3 training videos take you on an extensive tour of the Flash environment and teach you how to use the various tools and features. You'll learn about drawing, tweening, using fills and gradients, using layers, using the library and symbols, working with timelines and animations, adding buttons, publishing the Flash movie, and much more by watching videos and interacting with the content.
The Adobe Flash training CD comes with everything you need. Simply install it on your computer and gain 24/7 access to the learning without having to connect to the Internet. As you work your way through the self-paced Flash CS3 cbt, you'll be able to pick and choose the topic as well as set your own pace. You can't fall behind in class because you're the one who decides which Flash topic to concentrate on and how long to devote to it. Whether you progress through the course rapidly or take a slower approach is completely up to you.
In addition, you can watch the Adobe Flash CS3 training videos as many times as you need in order to get the most out of your training. Traditional classes require extensive note-taking. With this format, notes are optional. Instead, reviewing the content is just a click away.
Table of contents
Lesson 1: Flash Basics
1.2 Managing the Workspace
1.3 Using Help
Lesson 2: Getting Started
2.2 Drawing with Pen, Pencil and Line Tools
2.3 Creating Shapes
2.4 Painting and Erasing
2.5 Using the Selection Tools
2.6 Managing Color
2.7 Importing Files
Lesson 3: Managing a Timeline
3.1 Using Scenes
3.2 Managing Frames and Keyframes
3.3 Managing Layers
3.4 Copying and Pasting
Lesson 4: Managing Symbols
4.1 Creating a Symbol
4.2 Managing Movie Clips
4.3 Managing Buttons
4.4 Managing Graphics
4.5 Transforming Symbols
Lesson 5: Adding Animation
5.1 Using Motion Tweening
5.2 Tweening a Shape
5.3 Using Easing
5.4 Adding Text
5.5 Creating Text Effects
5.6 Overview of ActionScript
Lesson 6: Adding Sound and Video
6.1 Adding Sound
6.2 Reviewing Sound Compression and Sync
6.3 Reviewing Embedded and External Video
6.4 Using the Flash Encoder
6.5 Managing FLVs
Lesson 7: Working with Modes
7.1 Managing Filters
7.2 Managing Blends
Lesson 8: Testing and Publishing
8.1 Testing Your Movie and Elements
8.2 Exporting Your Movie
8.3 Setting Preferences
Total training time: ~16 hours
Content: CD-ROM disc (sealed in a DVD-case)
System Requirements:
Platform: vista Windows Vista / XP / 2000 / 9x / NT
Processor: Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
Hard drive space: 10MB
CD-ROM Drive speed: 24X
mastering visual c++
Detailed Description
Includes - Mastering Visual C++ 6.0, learn to use C++ 6.0 quickly and easily!
Tips and tricks and Projects:
Over 200 Advanced Working Projects with Complete Source Codes
CD-ROM Control
Tree Control
Timer Control
Edit Control
Tab Control
Swing Control
LED Control
Custom Buttons
List Box Control
Dynamic Control
Custom Grid Control
Drop-down List Control
Combo Drop-down Control
Print List Control
Scrolling Edit Control
Custom ActiveX Grid Control
Custom Drawing
Get Drives Info
Get File Size
Static Fader
Multiple Windows
Dynamic Message Box
Using Html Help Pages
Preview and Print
Record File I/O
Generate Html Files
Compression Program
Read Font Data
Mp3 Decoder
Operate Scanner
Custom Button On Title Bar
Custom Print Dialog Box
Bitmap on Menu Bar
Drag and Drop Function
Application Transparency
Auto-filled Word Feature
Drag/Drop Ability Between Trees
Owner-Defined "Gcmultifieldedit" Class
Animation in Status Bar
Child Window Toolbar
Internet Browser Program
Remove Icons in Status Bar
Tabbed Multi-document Program
Explore Outlook Database
User Generated "run"
XML Form Validation
Oracle Access
Accessing "Access" Database Files
Database Access and Builder
Custom ODBC Connection Class
Access to the 64 Bit File System API (win32 SDK)
SQL Server Enumerator
Encapsulate the NT Performance API (PDH.dll)
Framework to Encapsulate Developing Control Panel Applets
High Precision MFC Timing Class for Pentium+ CPU
Custom Debug Application
Explore Classes Name and Password
Hardware Detection
Read/write Values to the Hkey_local_machine
Registry Key
Read Installed Software on Network Computers
Display All Currently-running Programs
Screen Capture Program
Onscreen Keyboard
Onscreen Genius
Switch Screen Resolution
Add Icon to the System Tray
VB Script Editor
CPU Performance Monitor
Auto Log-on to WinNT
Desktop Manager
File Monitor Program
OS and CPU Detection
Games w/Open Source:
Blood 2
MFC Box Man Puzzle
Connect 5 Game (Dos)
Super Mario Brothers
Requirements: Windows / Mac OS / Linux
System Requirements:
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
Pentium 133 Mhz or higher
10MB free disk space
24x CD-ROM
Mac OS:
G3 or higher
20MB free disk space
24x CD-ROM